Tuesday, July 4, 2023

test 2 (Lorem ipsum)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer velit augue, scelerisque sit amet cursus ut, tristique ac ipsum. Etiam id tristique nunc. Praesent vestibulum sem at accumsan eleifend. Aenean dictum mauris neque, in finibus odio accumsan sit amet. Aliquam placerat, tortor sit amet dictum hendrerit, nisl orci interdum dui, sed lobortis enim enim vel mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus at ipsum sit amet arcu dapibus volutpat sit amet sit amet sapien. Phasellus quis lobortis tellus, id convallis lacus. Nam eu tellus in nibh sollicitudin suscipit id vel neque. Nulla facilisi. In porttitor facilisis dui vel sollicitudin. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam tincidunt odio non varius porta. Suspendisse at sagittis neque. Nullam elementum enim imperdiet euismod elementum. Quisque vitae ipsum faucibus, facilisis elit et, porta justo.

Suspendisse quis odio orci. Mauris quis lacus finibus, vulputate urna id, iaculis mi. Curabitur accumsan lectus quam, ut elementum mauris mollis id. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque blandit arcu quis gravida iaculis. Proin fermentum enim non turpis lobortis luctus.

Monday, July 3, 2023


test test

we're troubleshooting and optimizing this bad boy: kind of like feeding HTML(, etc.) through a woodchipper

issues so far, to be addressed:
  • the current color palette/scheme/arrangement is dusty as hell (image size, font size/weight, color[s: color palettes, see Adobe Color and COLOURlovers; standardized 'BPH' coloring, reds, pinks; we want high contrast, see Contrast Checker and WebAIM's Contrast Checker]; make links stand out, body vs. link text color)
  • i'm tryna have the font-type be consistent across/throughout the whole webpage (i tried to make this a thing, the whole page should be Times New Roman [to be changed]): font selection (one to two fonts, we ideally want something sans-serif, stylistically, for titles/headers, and serif [Times New Roman] for body/paragraph/page text; Google Fonts, Fontjoy) and font size standardization (ideally adaptable/responsive)
  • 'Pages'/'page list' (layout gadget) tabs/list: if i make the 'Home' page a list(/tabs) item, it appears as you would expect on the 'desktop' version of the site ('Home', 'misc' page tabs), while the 'mobile' site-version (whereby the page list operates as a drop-down list) has two (i.e., a duplicate) 'Home' page items in the drop-down list
  • we'd like to eliminate any and all unnecessary/extraneous margins(, padding, etc.; both 'desktop' and 'mobile' site versions)

  • blackpantherhotline.com as something between a (sales website) 'landing page' (namely for music, media, content; 'conversion[s]' [key performance indicator, KPI] as clicking on Spotify, etc., links) and a(n editorial, with tags) 'blog' (e.g., embedded Tweets/Threads posts as 'modular' page updates; assorted relevant writing[s])/'portfolio website' (presenting/showcasing the 'body of work' of, namely, music; including lyrics, metadata for music, including [e.g., creative] writing, video content; optimized for speed, SEO-mindful writing, embedded content): reflected in page anatomy (structure), emphasis on copywriting, lyrics (via Genius? [embedded]) onto website
  • e-commerce (e.g., module) features: selling merch/services, receiving payments (ideally embedding/integrating TeeSpring store and PayPal merchant [payment gateway] stuff)
  • website copy/search engines (SEO): enhancing and optimizing the site with consideration to search engines ([key]words/terms in URL, words in page title, words in headings, words in paragraphs; words with lower competition, high search volume), website speed (speed test [Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom Website Speed Test]; technical 'speed-up' tools and diagnostics) and mobile-friendliness
  • images: optimized images (compression [TinyPNG, TinyJPG, Compressor]), robust descriptions/metadata (alt[ernative] text; alt text as caption equivalent or vice versa – succinct, plaintext, SEO-friendly); unique brand (own, self-owned) images; dynamic fluid flexible website content/design (responsive design; e.g., shrinking an image as per 'mobile' site usage and/or functional 'screen size' dimensionality changes)
  • site sections(/pages; website content hierarchy as reflected in the navigation menu system [website conventions]): home, contact, about, music, NBA stuff, writings, art/designs, merch/payment (layout should mirror content hierarchy); website conventions: logo in upper-left corner, site navigation next to logo, functional navigation menu titles with keywords where applicable; 'hero images' for different site sections that are more-so text-heavy, 'thumbnails' (lightbox effect) for the more portfolio-esque sections(/pages), ideally pushing everything into just one structurally-tight 'commerce' shopping (online store) page